Keep that doctor away! It's more than white coat syndrome... I'm a fucking mess when I have to go to the doctor ever since Taylor's delivery. When I met Russ, he had Logan, and then we had Mason... and in planning our family, we knew Taylor would be our last child. I was so sentimental … Continue reading An Apple A Day
Tag: birth trauma
That is the question. And it has nothing to do with breastfeeding.I’m debating my JOB, and quite frankly my CAREER after Taylor’s delivery.I’m not sure I’ve done a great job articulating how Taylor’s delivery relates to me not wanting to be a nurse anymore. It’s a really complicated combination of feelings and triggers and emotions … Continue reading TO NURSE OR NOT TO NURSE
Debriefing a Bad Birth
I think it was a double edged sword that this all happened where I work, with people I work with. In a lot of ways, I think that is actually what turned it into a psychological issue rather than just a bad experience. I had honestly felt really good about going into the OR with … Continue reading Debriefing a Bad Birth
Getting out of my Head.
I realized I needed help about 4 months postpartum. I had just gone back to work and I was living in my head... reliving her birth constantly. I kept finding myself on the OR table trying to bargain my way out of it, as if I could go back in time. I would see … Continue reading Getting out of my Head.
The Birth of Lil Miss Quick
TRIGGER: This is Taylor’s birth story. If you’re pregnant and reading this, you might not want to... or you might. If you were my provider, this is in no way intended to blame you or make you feel bad, I think you are all awesome doctors and I hope reading how things felt from my … Continue reading The Birth of Lil Miss Quick